Monday, June 25, 2012

New week and new ideas forming.  I have finished my morning run and sent my son out to do the same(he was not happy about this).  After some grocery shopping and fun at the pool, I will need to get some work done.

The bloomers are pleated and ready to be smocked.  It is a good thing too, because little one is due this week.  So, I must get these finished.  The booties and bloomers are going to be beautiful with dress. 

So, when I think about sewing, I always think about my Grandmother.  She was an amazing seamstress among other things.  As children we use to look at all the things she had made and just be amazed.  I don't think that at that time my dream was to sew.  In fact, it was my mother that gave me the beginnings of sewing lessons.  I wish I could say that I enjoyed sewing.  I did not.  When I was in Middle School, I had to take Home Ec.   One of the things we did was to make a skirt.  Mine was HORRIBLE.  I was sure right then and there that I would never sew again.  After I was married and teaching, a dear friend helped me sew a vest to wear as a teacher.  I was surprised at how easy it was to make.  After that, I just kept trying new things and here I am today.  Doing my best to practice skills and learn new ones.  I still have a lot to learn, but I look forward to each challenge.  I am sure my mother is shocked.  We would have never guessed that I would so love to sew and create beautiful outfits for little ones.

1 comment:

  1. I love how we grow into things, that we may of disliked as a child. As a teenager I loved to paint with acrylic paint and use oil pastels, and I really disliked water colors. But now as an adult I prefer clay over everything else, charcoal over paint, and if im going to use paint its going to be watercolors lol. Oh and I really dislike oil pastels now for some reason although im determined to use the ones I have.
