Friday, December 27, 2013

And here comes 2014!!!

So, while I am thinking about the New Year and my business, I am thinking about some changes.  My shop has seen little to no business in a while.  My husband and my dear sister-in-law continue to suggest that I blog.  Well, since I am not so great at this blog thing, I have not posted anything in a very long time.  Also, it is all so very confusing to me, and I seriously have not taken the time to get into this whole blog area.  I guess that I am trying to start out the New Year with a more consistent "blogging" habit.  Is that what you call it???  So, here goes.

The following are questions that I always have when blogging. "What do I blog about???"  I mean what can I tell you that you would want to read or hear?  Do people really want to hear about the projects that are currently in the mix?  Do people want to hear new techniques?  I hope not, because I don't have any.  Do people want to read about the show or movies that I watch while smocking or sewing?  Do I blog about  blogging?  Can you do that? 

After I go through several minutes, hours, days, etc. of this, I end up blogging about my outfits or my sales.  The other result is, I just stop and don't blog.  Why?  Well honestly, sometimes I feel it is a waste of time.  I don't see much traffic here, and I have other things to do.  Also, I go back and read it several days later.  BIG MISTAKE!  The re-reading leads me to question all that was written.  So, once again, I give up. 

So, here is the plan for the New Year...

1. I will post a blog entry once a week.  No more, and, hopefully, no less.
2. I will blog about what I want to blog about.  If it is not a great blog, then I will just try to blog something better the next week.
3. I will try not to get discouraged.  Seriously, no one wants to read a blog that is filled with frustration.

So, there it is.  If you follow this blog, and I would be surprised if you did, I ask you to keep me accountable.  Let me know when I have missed a week.  Keep me up to date on the things you are interested in hearing.  Comment.  PLEASE, comment.  That is the only way I can improve this blog. 

As I close, I pray that all of you have had a wonderful Christmas and God will bless you and your family in the New Year.  Happy 2014!

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