The other item that was created these past few weeks was a bag for my daughter's teacher. It turned out way better than I expected and was so quick to make. I used her school's t-shirt that someone had given to me. The back of the t-shirt had the perfect picture for a bag. The bottom and inside were made with a lime green cotton and the handles are pink grosgrain ribbon. I was so excited when it was finished. I would love to do more of these. If you wold like one, let me know. You would have to let me know what t-shirt you would like for the bag.
Let me know if you want a creative bag like this one. It was a ton of fun to make. I can't decide if these are going on my Etsy shop. Any thoughts?
Well, I must get to work. I am starting on booties and bloomers for another little sweet girl that is due to arrive in July. Also, I will need to attempt another boys outfit. Summer is here, so I do not work as much. The pool needs me too this Summer. Hopefully, I will write some more soon about the Summer fun at Sewing Sweet.
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